Duedue's life....

It's just a simply blog about me.... I'd like to tell about my activities,, my favorites,,, and all the fucking stuff I've done..

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Waduh.... dah lama banget neh ga posting....
Akhir semester satu, emang khusus Duedue habiskan buat refreshing, jalan2, nenangin pikiran... Biar tetap survive di semester 2....

Uwh....Hari demi hari yang telah terlewati di semester 2 ini, terasa sangat melelahkan....Duedue ga nyangka kalo blok ini begitu sibuk....Mulai dari praktikum, laporan sampai evaluasi.... Semua membuat Duedue jadi keteteran...Musti menarik napas dalam2, kemudian dilepaskan.... Intinya capek banget negh....

Coba aja kalo dosen atau asdosnya ada yang mirip Collin Farrel....Wah Duedue pasti semangat banget kuliahnya...Malahan kalo bisa hari Minggu juga kuliah...Tugasnya banyak juga ga pa2...Yang penting pas ngumpulin bisa ketemu...Apalagi kalo orangnya baik...he8...

But Life must goes on....I really dunno what will happen tomorrow....But I'll try to please my self....Try hard to remember the happiness things that i've done...Praying....Not to do the wrong things...Appologizing...For all the wrong doing's things that i've done....

Shouted loud!!!!! Oh god...What the hell's going on???....Crying....But I realize no tears drop in...Too much control...I wish that it has just finished...Just walk the line...Going where the wind blows.....


  • At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ayo semangat2 due.. collin farrel nya nungguin kamu dapet gelar dokter kok di hollywood sana ^^ma

  • At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    tanpa dosen yang mirip collin farrel pun, gw tau koq kalo duedue dah SMANGAT bgt.....hehehe.....kan ada 'kaos'......ya ga' due.....

  • At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    due, foto collin farrelnya diganti ma fotonya "kaos" ja. Kan yang udah ada di depan mata tuh....he99x. biar lebih smangat lagi..........

  • At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    RaTna iS d'BeSt......

    MakaCi Bwt Semua'Y.....


  • At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    RaTna SEMANGATTTT......
    SEMANGAT ^_^
    GooD LucK ya....
    And Jgn Lupa Bljr yaa.....

  • At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…




    Pasti "kaos" selalu .........

    jadi SEMANGAT!!!!!!!!!

  • At 7:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nice to meet you!
    your blog is also very good!
    but I think I should tell you something...
    maybe you can't read the language of my country so that you didn't know...
    is my rabbit pet's name...>///<
    hope you don't mind...
    but it's still a good name though!!
    good luck to you!!

  • At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hai... salam kenal juga dari kucinglistrik

    kalo capek gampang....
    coba duduk rileks.. trus lidahnya melet keluar. dijamin.... capeknya ga ilang

    *...lwariiiii kweenceeeng....*

  • At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    kalo asdosnya GANTENG kek gitu,

    saya malah MALES..


  • At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    piye kabare?

    doain gw dll buat uan ya due...


  • At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh, lovely blog!
    I'm sorry, but I don't understand your language.. and I'm a bad student of English... ^.^"

    But i'm nice to know you too!

    You understand a little Italian?

    Bye! See you soon!



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